Winter is well underway now and with the weather getting colder it’s time to update and add a few more pieces to the winter wardrobe. As you may already know, I love to shop and it's probably one of the main reasons why I can cope with the season. The feel of wearing new clothes and the new outfit possibilities is enough to keep me going through the cold.

I thought I’d share with you and do a mini haul of just some of the new pieces I’ve picked up to give you an idea of what I'll be wearing this winter and that might also help you with your winter wardrobe. 

Short Check Dress, Zara- Checked dresses never go out of fashion and this one from Zara is the perfect addition to your winter wardrobe. It's long sleeve and made of a slightly thicker material to keep you warm on the cold winter days. It's casual and stylish with a relaxed A-line silhouette. Accessorise it a thin brown belt and some cute boots. Price: £29.99

Over-the-knee socks, Primark- When you're bored of wearing trousers and tights, over-the-knee socks are a perfect alternative. They keep most of your legs toasty and warm, allowing you to show a little leg and wear a cute miniskirt. The one you never thought you’d get to wear once it hit December. Price: £3

Grey Star Dressing Gown, Next- Sometimes you have to splurge a little to make sure you’re getting a quality product. Next have always had great nightwear/ loungewear that lasts for ages. Sitting in my cold uni room, this dressing gown has been a lifesaver! It’s so cosy to snuggle into and watch a film or just lounge around the house in. It’s one of those dressing gowns you know will keep you warm for years and doesn’t have a one-year expiry date. Price: £26

Down Puffer Anorak with contrasting hood, Zara- I can’t believe it’s taken me this long to get on the Zara puffy coat bandwagon! Not only is it stylish and casual, it's so warm! I’ve been missing out on this. All those days I spent cold in a cheap jacket when I could have been warm and toasty wrapped up in a Zara puffer. Also, the hood is huge and I love the detachable fur trim. Price: £69.99

White Knitted Top, Lindex- I am obsessed with this top!! I love the sleeves and how they flare out, adding a little something to the otherwise plain jumper. It’s 50% wool and is the softest thing I think I’ve ever owned! I usually wear it tucked into my favourite pair of green trousers or some jeans. The only downside is it’s hand wash only so that’s going to be fun. Not. Price: £29.99

So those are just a few recent pieces added to my Winter Wardrobe. I hope you’ve enjoyed it and found inspiration. The key to buying winter clothes is to make sure their versatile (can be worn anywhere) and that they can be worn with anything. Nothing's worse than only being able to pair a jumper with black skinny jeans.

Love, Aoife x

It’s Blogmas day 2 and the festivities have hit me in full force! I spent the first day sick in bed and it was horrible! But I’ve taken some medicine and I’m on the path to recovery. I woke up feeling much better and it’s like a light has been switched on inside- the countdown has officially begun! 

I find putting up Christmas decorations is definitely something that gets me in the festive mood. It’s a great feeling and gets my excitement up for the month. Christmas atmosphere is the best! I love walking through the Christmas markets and going to see the lights. The atmosphere is made up of good times and happiness and it's good to carry that through into your home.

I love putting Christmas decorations up around the house. It gives life to the dark, making the cold winter nights that much cosier and warmer. I went out yesterday to buy some decorations to make my uni room feel a little bit more Christmassy. I’m only here for two more weeks before I go home so I didn’t want to go overboard. I ended up picking up a few bits in Primark.

LED light Tree, £8- I love this tree; It’s so cute and minimalist! The metal frame is simple making it the perfect Christmas decoration that doesn’t make the room look overcrowded. It’s the perfect touch for a bedroom decoration.

LED firefly lights (40), £2.50- I have been obsessed with these lights lately! I already have two sets up in my room and bought another set to hang over my bed. With all the lights hung up and switched on means my room looks super cosy. The perfect winter atmosphere!

Large Cream Throw, £9- Primark throws are the best; they’re warm and oh so affordable. I had a grey one previously but I decided to get a cream one as it brightens the room up and softens the atmosphere. Plus, it makes my bed look gloriously, inviting which is a dream!

Those are just a few little pieces I've bought and surprisingly they have made such a big impact. 

Have you started decorating yet? If so, what have you bought?

Love, Aoife x

Welcome to my first Blogmas post!!! I’ve never done blogmas before so we’ll see where I get to… This is probably the most challenging thing I’ve ever done!

For those of you who don’t know -although most will- blogmas is a series of Christmassy related posts posted on the lead up to Christmas. Don’t worry I’m not going to go Christmas mad or anything! Day 5 is probably my non-Christmassy post but it keeps the essence of the magical season. Anyway, I’ll be posting Christmas wish lists, some fashion and beauty related posts and other special posts- So keep your eyes peeled! 

Christmas for me is a time of love, family, friends and good times. I hate the cold but I love the cosy nights in cuddled up on the sofa watching a tacky Christmas film- which are always the best! 

With that introduction done, let’s get on to my December goals!

* * *

Last month I posted my November Goals and I’m proud to say I checked most of the goals off. I’m still not as organised as I want to be but we’re halfway there! I know you are all after whether I went and did something out of my comfort zone. I think in every day there’s something we do outside of our comfort zone, so in a way that one could be ticked off easily. I didn’t get as far the club but I almost made it to the pub. Haha! One of the girls forgot their ID so we had to turn back and we ended up chilling in the kitchen instead.

With that said, I’ve got some new goals to set for myself for this month:

Sort everyone’s Christmas present out early and not leave it last minute. Running around London and shopping is not fun when you feel under pressure.

Keep up with Blogmas! This one’s not a joke. I’m going to need focus and determination to keep this thing going. It’s a massive challenge for me but it’s important to challenge yourself otherwise you’d never get anywhere.

Make the most of my holidays. I don’t think I’ve ever been one to sit around and do nothing all holiday. I like to keep busy, keep moving. When I go back home -London I’ve missed you!- I want to make the most of my time there. There are already places I’d like to visit and things I’d like to do.

Put more effort into relationships. I feel like I often take advantage of the fact that I already know people and that I have lots of friends so I don’t put in as much effort as I perhaps should. Like I said earlier, Christmas is a time for friends and family and I’m going to set myself the goal of putting in more effort to make them feel more special and letting them know I care about them.

Get ready for the new year. We’ve reached the last month of 2017 and whilst I wish I could say this year has gone quick- it hasn’t. June seems like ages away and February is history. By the end of this month, I want to be ready for the rollercoaster of 2018 because it’s going to be great!

So those are a few of my December goals, have you got any to add?

Love, Aoife x

Photo Credit: Nazani

Even though Thanksgiving is an American holiday, it doesn’t mean that us Brits can’t get in on the action and take a moment to reflect on the past year and all the things that we are thankful for. This last year has felt both the longest and the shortest. Reflecting back, I have done and accomplished so much. I’ve learnt a lot, grown a lot and I have a lot of things to be thankful for.

I think the most important thing that I’m grateful for is the privileges I’ve had over the last year. Things haven’t always been easy but there was a turning point about halfway through when things started to get better and better. I was able to go on three different holidays (Rome, Lisbon and Crete) and I am extremely grateful for that. I had the best possible time and whilst I don’t think I’ll ever have a chance to do that again, the experience was more than enough.

I am grateful for the opportunities that have been available to me. And like always, I’ve taken them with both hands.

I am grateful for this piece of work here (my blog), having my own domain and my own space to write, explore and share with all of you. People actually read my posts!! I like to think this is the year of my blog and 2018 is going to be great! I got my first piece of blogger mail the other day and I’m super excited! Yes, I needed that Americanism. Again, I’m thankful to even be acknowledged by a brand because NEVER in a million years did I ever think I’d ever be at that level.

Lastly, I’m thankful to have the ability to live a life I love and to be able to do things I love too. And that puts me in a really privileged position which I’ll be eternally grateful for.

If this last year has taught me anything, it’s that hard work pays off. I’ve been brought up on the theory that to achieve and accomplish anything takes work, hard work. You’re never going to be given anything on a plate unless you work hard and put yourself in that position. Working hard opens doors and the feeling of walking through them is beyond what words can describe. It’s an incredible feeling and I wish you all the chance to feel that too.

What have you been grateful for this year?

Love, Aoife x

Have you ever been afraid to read a book? No? I suppose no one ever gets scared of a book but when I bought milk and honey, I was afraid to go near it. Not because it was bad or I thought it was going to be rubbish, but because I knew -I got this feeling- that in front of me was a really powerful book. A book that could make me happy and tear me to shreds seconds later.

Milk + Honey is a collection of poems split into four sections; the loving, the breaking, the hurting and the healing. Kaur articulates every feeling, emotion and thought that I’ve ever felt and haven't yet felt. She made me feel happy, sad, vulnerable and strong. Through her poetry, Kaur is able to teach a way of life that we’ve become accustomed too. She points out how we (especially females) have been forced to accept things as a way of life.

After reading this book, I definitely felt as though I’d been schooled in life. I felt as though I’d been taught to understand I’m a vulnerable creature and there’s plenty of loss in life. But I was also taught to appreciate life and there’s beauty in vulnerability. It’s the vulnerability that makes us human and being human is a beautiful thing. She also taught me that love is a very passionate emotion and we should be able to experience that and give everything to it.

Milk + Honey is definitely a book I would recommend. And I think everyone should read it at least once in their life. It’s the type of book that gets you thinking and tapping into/ confronting emotions that you’re used to hiding away. It’s the type of book that shows beauty in life, through the loving, breaking, hurting and healing. It’s a book that encourages hope and makes you look at the person you are and want to be. She writes about being whole as a person before you can give yourself to others. Kaur touches on the pressures of society and what is right for the mind and body. 

Milk + Honey has to be one the best books I’ve ever read. She changes the game on poetry and it made me fall in love with the written musical language. There’s so much emotion rooted deep down in the pit of your stomach that rises up into your heart (if you read it properly). If you’re debating what to read next, or you keep putting off buying the book. Buy it now! Because it’s the game changer you need in your life.

Love, Aoife x

P.S- I'm going to read her new book the sun and her flowers next. I'll let you know how it goes.

Self-improvement is something I've always been interested in. How can I make myself a better person? I've been at uni for just over a month and I'll keep banging on about it but literally, WTH! Life is well underway now and sometimes it moves too fast for me to catch up. We've been in November for a little while now, (I know I'm a bit late with this post,) and I've set myself up with a few goals for the new month. A few goals to make me better at who I am and what I do. With that said...

Get Organised. I feel like this will become an every monthly goal. I’ve got assessment dates coming up and homework, which I keep forgetting I have. Working out dates and sorting deadlines is definitely something I need to get on top of this month. And also, getting into a routine so I have a set work time and a set 'play' time.

Pamper myself more. I feel best clean, shaved (my legs!) and moisturized. I keep forgetting how important it is to look after and cherish your body, both physically and mentally. It’s definitely something I need to work on. And if my body is a temple, then it needs to be worshipped and treated right.

Sort out a blogging routine. I can't blog on demand, it's something that will come to me any time of the day even when I'm trying to sleep but I need to sort out times when I can blog and when to do uni work. I need to get on top of everything and post reguarly. Plus, I feel better when there's content going out.

Budget! I’m a uni student and budgeting is definitely something I have to do. Whilst I’m living within my means, I do need to sort finances out and start saving. Work out money for groceries and for shopping.

Lastly, I want to do something out of my comfort zone. I’ve been spending my nights in my room and it’s about time I went out one night. Whether I go to a club one night, or go the cinema by myself, or venture to the theatre. I want to do something different and be out there one night.

So those are some goals I’ve set myself for the upcoming month of November. I posted some of my monthly goals earlier in the year and they were so beneficial. I definitely kept most of my goals throughout the month. Self-improvement is always a good thing. And like I mentioned earlier, setting goals is one way of identifying something you want to work towards and putting that into action.

Love, Aoife x