I can't believe we've reached August already! I know that's a cliche thing that everyone says at the beginning of each new month but it's true. I feel like because my year has been so jam-packed full of things that time is flying by. Results day is looming and soon I'll be starting university (not something I want to be thinking about right now).

I suppose August is my last month of 'Freedom' and I've got a few goals for the month ahead that I'd like to set myself. I've also decided to set myself a challenge of not buying any books this month, I have to either read the books I have, or borrow from the library. In hope I can reduce my spending. Anyway, back to my August goals:

#1 Take it Easy. I'm the type of person who gets involved in every possible thing. And whilst it has really paid off this year with getting into uni, I never get any time to spend on myself. So throughout August, I want to slow down and take it easy, remember how to breathe and relax.

#2 Complete my bucket list. I wrote a bucket list of all the things I wanted to accomplish this summer before uni back in May and I don't know what's happened to it. I've definitely completed some of it already, I just have to tick the other things off. I can't wait for all of the adventures coming my way. Here is what's remaining: Be Carrie Bradshaw for the day, Go on an Adventure, and Have a big reunion with friends from Secondary School.

#3 Write More. It's one thing blogging but it's another thing writing. I recently found some excerpts from stories that had I had written a few years ago. And surprisingly, they're really good. Like REALLY good. I want to get back into writing like that and tap into the Author inside of me. Whether it's little pieces, like scenes, or something else, I'd love to explore more and get back into it.

#4 Be Youthful. Youth is such a beautiful thing and to be able to keep a part of your youth in your heart is so important. I'm 18 now, basically an adult, and one thing I never want to lose is my youth. So whilst I spend the summer acting like an adult and being 'sensible', I want to keep that innocence and discovery that a youth has.

So there you have it, my four goals for August. I know four is a silly number to end on but I suppose those were the main goals I wanted to achieve. Any ones after that wouldn't have been very good. I've never written goals for the month ahead before but I think it will help me to improve myself and make life better. Maybe you could have a go?

Love, Aoife x

People handle freedom differently. It seems the way I handle freedom is to go out and buy lots and lots of books. Books that I don't need to buy because I already have a huge TBR pile. But we won't worry about that. My book picks for this summer are light-hearted beach/ holiday reads. I didn't want anything too heavy since as I've spent most of my time this year looking at tragedy and crime novels for my Literature A-Level. So to brighten up my reading, here are my six summer TBR's:

Wilde Like Me by Louise Pentland
There's something about buying a newly published book and reading it. I'm so excited to start reading this, I love Louise and I can't wait to read her new novel. I'm hoping this will be a laugh out loud type of novel. 

Goose by Dawn O'Porter
This book is a couple of years old and I managed to pick it up for only £1. The book is about two characters who are exactly the same age as I am and in the same position of finishing A-Levels and thinking of going off to uni. I can relate to these girls and some of the issues spoken about. I've already started reading this book and it's a little scary how much I can relate to these characters already. Another reason for buying the book is I love reading Dawn O'Porter's articles in GLAMOUR. 

Falling by Jane Green
I'm always seeing her name in the library and everywhere else I look for books so I naughtily picked this the other day to add to my list. It's about a woman called Emma who answers an online ad, meets a man and 1+1+ 2. I love a good romance novel and this seems like a sweet one. 

About Last Night by Catherine Alliott
This was another impulse buy. Reading the blurb, I'm not sure if this book has much of a plot but I think it will be an interesting read. From what I've gathered, Molly moved away from her life to suit her husband's but now he's dead, she wants to try and get her life back. The way it was. I think it will provide a nice escape. And I love the front cover (even though they do say not to judge a book by it's cover). 

Girls on Tour by Nicola Doherty
I picked this up whilst trying to find a book for my friend. It was only £1.99 and it sounded like good book. It's about these four girls who all go on separate holidays and then they all end up in Manhattan (along with some drama that snuck in their cases). 

The Last Piece Of My Heart by Paige Toon
I'm getting more and more embarrassed to say just how many impulse buys are on my shelf. I picked this one up when I bought Wilde Like Me. I can't help it when I'm faced with rows and rows of books. I'm not entirely sure why I bought the book, the blurb suggests it's a sweet story and the way it's written, creates the perfect escapism. The reviews from her other books suggests Toon is a great author of holiday reads. So we'll see. 

*     *     *

I hope my book lists have been helpful, either encouraged you to read or provided some to add to your own TBR's. These are my summer TBR's (well, some of them) and I'll write mini-reviews to let you know how I got on. See you soon.

Love, Aoife x

In the world of blogging, it seems silly to move to a blogging platform more limited than the one you were originally on. There are so many bloggers out there who started out on Blogger and are now interested in moving their blog over to WordPress. So, I guess the question is why would I want to move my blog over to a platform that provided me with more restrictions.

The answer is simple.

All I wanted to do is to blog. I'm not interested in using my blog for commercial purposes. I'm not trying to turn into a business. If that option came further down the line then I might consider. But for now, when I spend more days feeling like a goldfish in the ocean, I'm only after the simple life. I want a platform that allows me to blog, express my opinion and to do that, I made the decision to move over to Blogger.

WordPress is great. It provided me with a lot of opportunities when I first started back in 2013. I'll forever be grateful and I could never hate Wordpress. But for reasons I don't think I can quite explain, moving my blog was what was good for me. It was what I needed to do to move forward. So here I am. My first post on my new site.

I've uploaded all of my old posts from aoifecaitriona.wordpress.com so your able to see them. And I'll keep that site live too. Life is like a journey and sometimes we have to make decisions and change it up a little, in order to keep moving forward. So, I hope you'll stick around.

Love, Aoife x

Hey Lovelies, I'm feeling positive today. It's Monday, the start of a new week and I'm feeling very productive today. Another month is over which means new favourites.

May was a very hectic month. A lot happened and I can't believe that it all happened in the space of 30 days. Like, wow. (See- Life Update.) There were a lot of happy and sad moments last month and if I've learnt anything, it's to live life to the fullest. I always spend so much time reflecting on the past and trying to make relationships with people work. I've now got to learn how to let go and feel confident moving forward by myself. With that said, I'm extremely happy that May is finally over. 

Now all I have to worry about are my exams.

may faves

May was a pretty basic month, mostly spent focusing on schoolwork, but I do have some favourites to share. So here are my favourites from May:


New Look, Black Suedette Cross Strap Side pumps, £18.99-

These are the definition of cute! They are just gorgeous. I found these beauties sitting on the shelf in New Look when I was looking for a pair of flats that I could wear to Sixth Form without having to wear tights.

They look so adorable on my feet and are the perfect pair of flats. These are my first ever pair of pointed toe shoes and I love them! I love the thin straps and the cross design on the side. They're perfect for the summer!

Plus- The missing sides to the shoe mean that my feet don't look really long which is generally why I stay away from pointed shoes.


Barry M, That's Swell! Lip plumper, £4.99-

I have been using this for a few weeks and I love how soft and plump my lips have been feeling. Surprisingly, they feel more moisturised than they've done in the past but that might also be because the air isn't as dry as it has been.

This is a cute lip gloss to use in the summer; it's clear and plumps the lips a little, making them appear a little softer. It's been a long time since I've used a lip product that's clear, glossy and comes in a tube. I love the gold accents on the tube too.

glow scrub may faves

L'Oréal, Pure Clay Glow Scrub, £3.99- 

I have been using this in my skincare routine recently (See- Skin care routine) and I absolutely love it! I love that it's inexpensive- I think I would pay a few pounds more for this.

I love when skincare products do what they say they're going to do. And this scrub does that! Since using this, I'm much more committed to my skincare routine and my skin is just loving it.

notebook may faves

Notebook, £4

Can we please talk about how bloody cute this notebook is, it's gorgeous! I'm really into pale pinks at the moment and I love the gold embellished 'XoXo' on the front. I think I'm starting to grow an obsession with buying new notebooks. They just look so perfect and neat. I can't wait to start writing in it- I just have to find something good to write about!

I can't believe this was only £4 in Sainsbury's! If you're ever looking for good stationary, go check out Sainsbury's because they have the perfect stationary at good prices.

So those are my favourites for May, I kept it short and sweet. I hope you enjoyed them!

See you soon,

AC xo